30-34.2:1 - Powers, duties and functions of Capitol Police

§ 30-34.2:1. Powers, duties and functions of Capitol Police.

The Capitol Police may exercise within the limits of the Capitol Square, whenassigned to any other property owned, leased, or controlled by theCommonwealth or any agency, department, institution or commission thereof,and pursuant to the provisions of §§ 15.2-1724, 15.2-1726, and 15.2-1728, allthe powers, duties and functions which are exercised by the police of thecity, or the police or sheriff of the county within which said property islocated. The jurisdiction of the Capitol Police shall further extend 300 feetbeyond the boundary of any property they are required to protect, suchjurisdiction to be concurrent with that of other law-enforcement officers ofthe locality in which such property is located. Additionally, the CapitolPolice shall have concurrent jurisdiction with law-enforcement officers ofthe City of Richmond and of any county contiguous thereto in any caseinvolving the theft or misappropriation of the personal property of anymember or employee of the General Assembly. Members of the Capitol Police,when assigned to accompany the Governor, members of the Governor's family,the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, members of the GeneralAssembly, or members of the Virginia Supreme Court, or when directed to servea summons issued by the Clerk of the Senate or the Clerk of the House ofDelegates, a joint committee or commission thereof or any committee of eitherhouse shall be vested with all the powers and authority of a law-enforcementofficer of any city or county in which they are required to be. All membersof the Capitol Police shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 5 (§9.1-500 et seq.) of Title 9.1 and to the provisions of Chapter 10 (§ 2.2-1000et seq.) of Title 2.2.

The assignment of jurisdiction to any property pursuant to this section shallbe approved by the Legislative Support Commission.

The Division of Capitol Police shall have the authority to enter intocontracts or agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of itsduties.

(1982, c. 243; 1984, c. 149; 1988, c. 329; 1995, cc. 770, 818; 2003, cc. 231,588; 2008, c. 437.)