30-19.12 - Compensation of members of the General Assembly and certain commissions engaged in legislative services.
§ 30-19.12. Compensation of members of the General Assembly and certaincommissions engaged in legislative services.
A. Subject to the provisions of subsections B through G hereof, members ofall legislative committees, legislative commissions, and councils establishedby the General Assembly and all committees and subcommittees of any of theforegoing shall receive compensation at such rate as provided for in §2.2-2813. Any other member of the General Assembly whose attendance, in theopinion of the chairman of such a group, is required at a sitting of suchgroup shall also be entitled to compensation at the same rate.
B. A legislative member shall not be entitled to compensation pursuant tothis section for any services performed on any day that the member's house isin active session. For purposes of this subsection, "active session" means(i) any day during any regular session of the General Assembly or the firstextension thereof, (ii) any day that a roll call vote is taken in themember's house during any second or subsequent extension of a regular sessionthat is not a pro forma session, or (iii) any day that a roll call vote istaken in the member's house during any special session of the GeneralAssembly that is not a pro forma session.
C. A legislative member shall not be entitled to compensation pursuant tothis section for legislative services performed on Capitol Square on any daythat the member's house has a pro forma session.
D. Full-time employees of the Commonwealth or of any of its politicalsubdivisions shall not be entitled to compensation pursuant to this section.
E. No person shall receive pursuant to this section a total of more than oneday's compensation for services performed on any one day. Whenever a memberattends two or more meetings for which compensation is authorized herein in asingle day, such one day's compensation shall be prorated from among theactivities served.
F. Compensation of members of the General Assembly provided for in thissection shall be paid by the offices of the Clerk of the House of Delegatesor Clerk of the Senate as appropriate and funds therefor transferred from theappropriate activity.
G. For purposes of this section, "Capitol Square" means the grounds and allbuildings in the City of Richmond bounded by Bank, Governor, Broad and NinthStreets. "Pro forma session" means a session that is announced as a proforma session by the presiding officer and in which no business is scheduledto be conducted.
(Code 1950, § 14-29.1; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-18; 1966, c. 703; 1974, c. 356;1979, c. 316; 1980, c. 718; 1984, c. 161; 1998, cc. 790, 872; 2006, c. 272.)