3.2-721 - Advisory and technical committees.
§ 3.2-721. Advisory and technical committees.
The governing board may establish advisory and technical committees composedof Commonwealth, local, and federal officials, and private persons to adviseit with respect to any one or more of its functions. Any such advisory ortechnical committee, or any member or members thereof may meet with andparticipate in its deliberations. Upon request of the governing board orexecutive committee an advisory or technical committee may furnishinformation and recommendations with respect to any application forassistance from the insurance fund being considered by such board orcommittee and the board or committee may receive and consider the same;provided that any participant in a meeting of the governing board orexecutive committee held pursuant to subsection D of § 3.2-720 of the compactshall be entitled to know the substance of any such information andrecommendations, at the time of the meeting if made prior thereto or as apart thereof or, if made thereafter, no later than the time at which thegoverning board or executive committee makes its disposition of theapplication.
(1970, c. 174, § 3.1-188.8; 2008, c. 860.)