3.2-716 - Findings.
§ 3.2-716. Findings.
The party states find that:
1. In the absence of the higher degree of cooperation among them possibleunder this compact, the annual loss of approximately seven billion dollars($7,000,000,000) from the depredations of pests is virtually certain tocontinue, if not to increase.
2. Because of varying climatic, geographic and economic factors, each statemay be affected differently by particular species of pests; but all statesshare the inability to protect themselves fully against those pests thatpresent serious dangers to them.
3. The migratory character of pest infestations make it necessary for statesboth adjacent to and distant from one another, to complement each other'sactivities when faced with conditions of infestation and reinfestation.
4. While every state is seriously affected by a substantial number of pests,and every state is susceptible of infestation by many species of pests notnow causing damage to its crop and plant life and products, the fact thatrelatively few species of pests present equal danger to or are of interest toall states makes the establishment and operation of an insurance fund, fromwhich individual states may obtain financial support for pest controlprograms of benefit to them in other states and to which they may contributein accordance with their relative interests, the most equitable means offinancing cooperative pest eradication and control programs.
(1970, c. 174, § 3.1-188.2; 2008, c. 860.)