3.2-708 - Cooperative Suppression Program Fund established.

§ 3.2-708. Cooperative Suppression Program Fund established.

The Cooperative Suppression Program Fund is hereby established as a specialfund on the books of the State Comptroller, and all moneys credited to suchfund are hereby appropriated for the purpose set forth in the Department'sGypsy Moth Cooperative Suppression Program Guidelines and shall be usedexclusively for the administration of the Cooperative Suppression Program.Moneys for such fund may be derived from appropriations from the general fundof the state treasury; grants of private or government money designated forspecified activities pursuant to the Suppression Program; fees for servicesrendered pursuant to the Suppression Program; payment for products,equipment, or material or any other thing supplied by the Commissioner;payment for educational publications, materials or supplies provided by theCommissioner, and grants, bequests and donations. All funds collected for,appropriated, or received by the Commissioner shall be paid into the statetreasury to the credit of the Gypsy Moth Cooperative Suppression ProgramFund. No part of such fund shall revert to the general fund of the statetreasury.

(1990, c. 370, § 3.1-188.27:1; 2008, c. 860.)