3.2-700 - Definitions.
§ 3.2-700. Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Certificate" means a document issued or authorized by the Commissionerindicating that a regulated article is not contaminated with a pest.
"Host" means any plant or plant product upon which a pest is dependent forcompletion of any portion of its life cycle.
"Infested" means actually infested or infected with a pest or so exposed toinfestation that it would be reasonable to believe that an infestation exists.
"Move" means to ship, offer for shipment, receive for transportation,carry, or otherwise transport, move or allow to be moved.
"Permit" means a document issued or authorized by the Commissioner toprovide for the movement of regulated articles to restricted destinations forlimited handling, utilization, or processing.
"Person" means the term as defined in § 1-230. The term also means anysociety.
"Pest" means an insect, disease, parasitic plant, or other organism of anycharacter whatever, in any living stage, vertebrate or invertebrate, causingor capable of causing injury or damage to any plant or part thereof or anyprocessed, manufactured, or other product of plants, or otherwise creating apublic nuisance.
"Regulated article" means any article of any character carrying or capableof carrying the pest against which the quarantine is directed.
(1975, c. 29, § 3.1-188.20; 1980, c. 291; 2008, c. 860.)