3.2-6583 - Hybrid canines killing, injuring or chasing livestock.
§ 3.2-6583. Hybrid canines killing, injuring or chasing livestock.
It shall be the duty of any animal control officer or other officer who mayfind a hybrid canine in the act of killing or injuring livestock or poultryto kill such hybrid canine forthwith, whether such hybrid canine bears a tagor not. Any person finding a hybrid canine committing any of the depredationsmentioned in this section may kill such hybrid canine on sight as may anyowner of livestock or his agent finding a hybrid canine chasing livestock onland lawfully utilized by the livestock when the circumstances show that suchchasing is harmful to the livestock. Any court may order the animal controlofficer or other officer to kill any hybrid canine known to be a confirmedlivestock or poultry killer, and any hybrid canine that kills poultry for athird time shall be considered a confirmed poultry killer. The court, throughits contempt powers, may compel the owner, custodian, or harborer of thehybrid canine to produce the hybrid canine.
Any animal control officer who has reason to believe that any hybrid canineis killing livestock or poultry shall be empowered to seize such hybridcanine solely for the purpose of examining such hybrid canine in order todetermine whether it committed any of the depredations mentioned herein. Anyanimal control officer or other person who has reason to believe that anyhybrid canine is killing livestock, or committing any of the depredationsmentioned in this section, shall apply to a magistrate serving the localitywhere such hybrid canine may be, who shall issue a warrant requiring theowner or custodian, if known, to appear before a general district court, atwhich time evidence shall be heard. If it appears that the hybrid canine is alivestock killer, or has committed any of the depredations mentioned in thissection, the district court shall order that the hybrid canine be: (i) killedimmediately by the animal control officer or other officer designated by thecourt; or (ii) removed to another state that does not border on theCommonwealth and prohibited from returning to the Commonwealth. Any hybridcanine ordered removed from the Commonwealth that is later found in theCommonwealth shall be ordered by a court to be killed immediately.
(1997, c. 918, § 3.1-796.126:10; 1998, c. 817; 2008, cc. 551, 691, 860.)