3.2-6544 - Regulation of keeping of animals and fowl.
§ 3.2-6544. Regulation of keeping of animals and fowl.
A. Any locality may, for the preservation of public health, regulate byordinance the keeping of animals or fowl, other than dogs and cats, within acertain distance of residences or other buildings or wells, springs, streams,creeks, or brooks, and provide that all or certain of such animals shall notbe kept within certain areas.
B. Any locality may, by ordinance, prohibit cruelty to and abuse of animalsand fowl; and may regulate or prohibit the running at large and the keepingof animals and fowl and provide for the impounding and confiscation of anysuch animal or fowl found at large or kept in violation of such regulations.Any such ordinance may require that owners of any exotic or poisonous animalfound running at large pay a fee to cover the locality's actual cost inlocating and capturing or otherwise disposing of the animal.
(Code 1950 §§ 15-20.1, 15-20.2; 1952, c. 694; 1954, c. 94; 1962, c. 623, §§15.1-517, 15.1-870; 1997, cc. 411, 587, § 3.1-796.94:1; 1999, c. 663; 2008,c. 860.)