3.2-6525 - Regulations to prevent spread of rabies.

§ 3.2-6525. Regulations to prevent spread of rabies.

A. The governing body of any locality may adopt such ordinances, regulationsor other measures as may be deemed reasonably necessary to prevent the spreadwithin its boundaries of the disease of rabies. Penalties may be provided forthe violation of any such ordinances. If the ordinance declares the existenceof an emergency, then the ordinance shall be in force upon passage.

B. The governing body of any locality may adopt an ordinance creating aprogram for the distribution of oral rabies vaccine within its boundaries toprevent the spread of rabies. An ordinance enacted pursuant to thissubsection on or after July 1, 2010, shall be developed in consultation withthe Department of Health and with written authorization from the Departmentof Game and Inland Fisheries in accordance with § 29.1-508.1 and shallcontain the following provisions:

1. Notice shall be given to the owner or occupant of property prior to theentry upon the property for the purpose of the distribution of oral rabiesvaccine or the use of any other methods to place oral rabies vaccine on theproperty. Notice shall be given by: (i) sending two letters by first-classmail, at successive intervals of not less than two weeks set forth in theordinance; and (ii) printing a copy thereof, at least once, in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation in the locality concerned. Written notice shall be in aform approved by the governing body and shall include a description of thepurpose for which entry upon the property is to be made, the time and methodof rabies vaccine distribution at the property, and the submission deadlinefor requests by any owner or occupant of property who wishes to be excludedfrom the oral rabies vaccine distribution program.

2. The owner or occupant of property may refuse to allow the distribution oforal rabies vaccine upon such property. The ordinance shall establishprocedures to be followed by any owner or occupant who wishes to be excludedfrom the oral rabies vaccine distribution program, including the time andmethod by which requests for nonparticipation must be received. If thegoverning body receives a request for nonparticipation by the owner oroccupant of property for the distribution of oral rabies vaccine, no furtheraction shall be taken to distribute oral vaccine, on such property for aperiod of one year.

Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit any authority for thedistribution of oral rabies vaccine otherwise provided by law.

(1984, c. 492, § 29-213.69; 1987, c. 488, § 3.1-796.100; 2001, c. 674; 2008,c. 860; 2010, c. 834.)