3.2-6510 - Sale of unweaned or certain immature animals prohibited, vaccinations required for dogs and cats; penalty.
§ 3.2-6510. Sale of unweaned or certain immature animals prohibited,vaccinations required for dogs and cats; penalty.
A. No person shall sell, raffle, give away, or offer for sale as pets ornovelties, or offer or give as a prize, premium, or advertising device anyliving chicks, ducklings, or other fowl under two months old in quantities ofless than six or any unweaned mammalian companion animal or any dog or catunder the age of seven weeks without its dam or queen. Dealers may offerimmature fowl, unweaned mammalian companion animals, dogs or cats under theage of seven weeks for sale as pets or novelties with the requirement thatprospective owners take possession of the animals only after fowl havereached two months of age, mammalian companion animals have been weaned, anddogs and cats are at least seven weeks of age. Nothing in this section shallprohibit the sale, gift, or transfer of an unweaned animal: (i) as food forother animals; (ii) with the lactating dam or queen or a lactating surrogatedam or queen that has accepted the animal; (iii) due to a concern for thehealth or safety of the unweaned animal; or (iv) to animal control, an animalshelter, or a veterinarian.
B. Dealers shall provide all dogs and cats with current vaccinations againstcontagious and infectious diseases, as recommended in writing and consideredappropriate for the animal's age and breed by a licensed veterinarian, orpursuant to written recommendations provided by the manufacturer of suchvaccines at least five days before any new owner takes possession of theanimal. For dogs, the vaccinations required by this subsection shall includeat a minimum canine distemper, adenovirus type II parainfluenza, andparvovirus. For cats, the vaccinations required by this subsection shallinclude at a minimum rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia. Dealersshall provide the new owner with the dog's or cat's immunization history.
C. A violation of this section is a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(1984, c. 492, § 29-213.40; 1987, c. 488, § 3.1-796.70; 1993, c. 174; 1995,c. 625; 2006, c. 503; 2008, c. 860.)