3.2-6506 - Exceptions regarding veterinarians.
§ 3.2-6506. Exceptions regarding veterinarians.
Sections 3.2-6503, 3.2-6504, 3.2-6508 through 3.2-6519, 3.2-6557, 3.2-6559,3.2-6561, 3.2-6564, 3.2-6565, and 3.2-6574 through 3.2-6580 shall not applyto: (i) a place or establishment that is operated under the immediatesupervision of a duly licensed veterinarian as a hospital or boardingestablishment where animals are harbored, boarded and cared for incident tothe treatment, prevention, or alleviation of disease processes during theroutine practice of the profession of veterinary medicine; or (ii) animalsboarded under the immediate supervision of a duly licensed veterinarian.
(1984, c. 492, § 29-213.44; 1987, c. 488, § 3.1-796.74; 1993, cc. 174, 959;2008, c. 860.)