3.2-5302 - Standards, grades, and size-weight classes; cracked or checked eggs; sale of inedible eggs.
§ 3.2-5302. Standards, grades, and size-weight classes; cracked or checkedeggs; sale of inedible eggs.
A. The Board shall adopt standards, grades, and size-weight classes includingstandards for the term "ungraded" for eggs marketed in the Commonwealth. Inadministering this chapter, the Department shall have due regard for thedesirability of uniformity in the standards, grades, and size-weight classesfor eggs moving in intrastate and interstate commerce.
B. Cracked or checked eggs labeled as "cracks" may be sold only byproducers or processors directly to consumers or for further processing,excluding institutional consumers.
C. The sale or offering for sale of inedible eggs as defined in the gradesadopted by the Commissioner is prohibited except that incubated eggs may besold for commercial purposes other than for human consumption provided suchincubated eggs are marked, packaged, and disposed of in a manner approved bythe Commissioner.
(Code 1950, § 3-602; 1952, c. 308; 1956, c. 284; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-767;1968, c. 142, § 3.1-763.16; 2008, c. 860.)