3.2-4812 - Prohibited acts.
§ 3.2-4812. Prohibited acts.
A. It is unlawful for a manufacturer or guarantor of commercial feed to:
1. Manufacture or distribute any commercial feed that is adulterated ormisbranded;
2. Adulterate or misbrand any commercial feed;
3. Remove or dispose of a commercial feed in violation of an order issuedpursuant to § 3.2-4813;
4. Fail to obtain a license in accordance with § 3.2-4803;
5. Fail to register medicated feed, small package commercial feed, orspecialty pet food in accordance with § 3.2-4804;
6. Obstruct or hinder the Commissioner in the performance of his duties underthis chapter or otherwise attempt to prevent the Commissioner from performingthese duties; or
7. Use metal of any kind, including any hook, snap, staple, or other fasteneror device, to secure a package or attach any card, label, or ticket to apackage containing feed.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute agricultural commoditieswithin the Commonwealth including whole seeds, hay, straw, stover, silage,cobs, husks, and hulls that, if such commodities were commercial feed, areadulterated within the meaning of § 3.2-4808.
(1994, c. 743, § 3.1-828.12; 2008, c. 860.)