3.2-4771 - Record and accounts to be provided to consignor.

§ 3.2-4771. Record and accounts to be provided to consignor.

A. Every cotton gin shall:

1. Within 48 hours after ginning the cotton, make available to the consignorthe record required under § 3.2-4770; and

2. Unless the consignor agrees otherwise in writing, within 10 days afterginning cotton, deliver to the consignor a copy of such record and an accountof all cotton ginned for the consignor.

B. Unless the consignor agrees otherwise in writing, every cotton handlershall, within 10 days after transferring or selling cotton on behalf of theconsignor, deliver to the consignor a copy of the record required under §3.2-4770 and an account of the consignor's cotton transferred or sold.

(2000, c. 584, § 3.1-722.39; 2008, c. 860.)