3.2-4737 - Offenses and punishment.
§ 3.2-4737. Offenses and punishment.
Any person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor:
1. Imposes false charges for handling or for services in connection with farmproducts;
2. Fails to account promptly, correctly, fully and properly and to makesettlement as provided in this article;
3. Makes false and misleading statements as to market conditions with theintent to deceive;
4. Makes fictitious sales or collusion to defraud the consignor, or entersinto any combination to fix prices;
5. Directly or indirectly purchases for his or its own account, farmproducts, received by him or it on consignment without prior authority fromthe consignor in writing. This subsection shall not apply to the operators oflivestock auction markets who are prohibited from purchasing consignedlivestock under the federal Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 (42 Stat.159), as amended;
6. Intentionally makes false statements as to grade, condition, markings,quality, or quantity of farm products shipped or packed;
7. Reconsigns farm products as have been consigned to him to another person,unless consent of the consignor has been first obtained in writing, or noticegiven in writing to the consignor by the licensee that all or a part of suchshipment was reconsigned;
8. Sells farm products consigned to him to another person owned or controlledby him, or in which the licensee may have a financial or other interest,either directly or indirectly, unless notice is given, in writing, to theconsignor by the commission merchant that all or a part of such shipment wassold to a person in which the licensee has a financial or other interest;
9. Fraudulently or deceptively obtains a license;
10. Fails or neglects to give written notice immediately to the Commissionerand the surety on the bond of the commission merchant, of any changes oralterations in the style, name or personnel of the person to whom suchlicense has been issued; or
11. Fails to comply with the provisions of this article.
(Code 1950, § 3-560; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-718; 1979, c. 389; 2008, c. 860.)