3.2-4731 - Record and account, together with remittance for each sale, to be delivered to consignor.
§ 3.2-4731. Record and account, together with remittance for each sale, to bedelivered to consignor.
A copy of the record and account of sales of farm products, together withremittances in full of the amount realized by such sales, less the agreedupon commissions and other charges, shall be delivered to the consignor uponthe completion of the sale. All moneys received by the commission merchant inpayment for any consignment of farm products, less the agreed upon commissionand other charges, shall be paid to the consignor within 10 days afterreceipt of the moneys by the commission merchant, unless otherwise agreed inwriting. The names and addresses of purchasers need not be given unlessdemanded in cases of complaint.
(Code 1950, § 3-557; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-715; 2008, c. 860.)