3.2-3800 - Definitions.
§ 3.2-3800. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Dealer" means any person that acquires nursery stock for the purpose ofresale and distribution who is not a grower of nursery stock.
"Inspection certificate" means a document in any form issued by theCommissioner, or the appropriate official from another state, declaring anitem or location to be apparently free from plant pests. Inspectioncertificates include nursery stock certificates, phytosanitary stockcertificates, state-of-origin certificates, or any other certification tags,seals, and stamps that verify compliance with this chapter or any regulationsadopted hereunder.
"Nursery" means any premises where nursery stock is propagated, grown,fumigated, treated, packed, stored, or otherwise prepared for sale ordistribution.
"Nursery stock" means all trees, shrubs, woody vines (includingornamentals), bush fruits, grapevines, fruit trees, and nut trees offered forsale and distribution; all buds, grafts, scions, and cuttings from suchplants; and any container, soil, and other packing material with such plantsor plant products. It shall also mean herbaceous plants (including strawberryplants, narcissus plants, and narcissus bulbs) if the Board determines thatcontrolling the movement of such plants or bulbs is necessary to control anyplant pest. Unless designated by the Board, nursery stock shall not includeflorist or greenhouse plants for inside culture or use.
"Nurseryman" means any person that produces nursery stock for sale ordistribution.
"Person" means the term as defined in § 1-230. The term also means anysociety.
"Plant pest" means any living stage of insects, mites, nematodes, slugs,snails, protozoa, other invertebrate animals, bacteria, fungi, otherparasitic plants, parasitic plant parts, viruses, any other similar organism,or any infectious substances that can injure, infect, or damage any plants orplant products.
"Plants or plant products" means any trees, shrubs, vines, forage, fiber,cereal, and all other plants; cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, and all otherplant parts; fruit, vegetables, roots, bulbs, seeds, wood, lumber, and allother plant products; or any container, soil, and packing material withplants or plant products.
(Code 1950, § 3-178.1; 1964, c. 476; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-135; 1980, c. 291, §3.1-188.32; 1988, c. 552; 2008, c. 860.)