3.2-3706 - Labeling.
§ 3.2-3706. Labeling.
A. Any liming material sold, offered or exposed for sale in the Commonwealthshall have affixed to the outside of each package in a conspicuous manner, aplainly printed, stamped or otherwise marked label, tag or statement, or inthe case of bulk sales, a statement on the delivery slip, setting forth inthe English language at least the following information:
1. The quantity statement of the liming material;
2. The brand or trade name of the liming material;
3. In the case of agricultural liming material, the identification of thetype of the agricultural liming material as defined under § 3.2-3700,including the chemical analysis corresponding to the type definition;
4. The minimum percentage of available potash, if potash has been added tothe liming material;
5. Calcium carbonate equivalent of the liming material as determined byprocedures of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists in its mostrecent publication. Minimum calcium carbonate equivalents as prescribed byregulation;
6. The Effective Neutralizing Value of the liming material as calculatedusing the following formula:
(percent by weight passing 20 mesh sieves - percent by weight passing 60 meshsieves) x 0.4 = (a)
(percent by weight passing 60 mesh sieves - percent by weight passing 100mesh sieves) x 0.8 = (b)
(percent by weight passing 100 mesh sieves) x 1.0 = (c)
[(a+b+c) x Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (CCE)] divided by 100 = ENV;
7. The minimum percentage by weight passing through United States Standardsieves as prescribed by regulations; and
8. The name and principal office address of the manufacturer or distributorof the liming material.
B. For any fluid liming material or any packaged liming material-fertilizermixture, the label shall also include the following information:
1. The kind of liming material used in the manufacture of the product;
2. The type of agricultural liming material used in the manufacture of theproduct, if applicable;
3. The guaranteed analysis of the final product; and
4. A statement setting forth the equivalency of the calcium carbonateequivalent of the fluid liming material or liming material-fertilizer mixtureto the calcium carbonate equivalent of a standard liming ton.
C. For any bulk liming material-fertilizer mixture, except when theingredients are billed separately, the label shall also include the followinginformation:
1. The kind of liming material used in the manufacture of the product;
2. The type of agricultural liming material used in the manufacture of theproduct, if applicable;
3. The guaranteed analysis of the final product; and
4. A statement setting forth the equivalency of the calcium carbonateequivalent of the fluid liming material or liming material-fertilizer mixtureto the calcium carbonate equivalent of a standard liming ton.
D. If the ingredients of the bulk liming material-fertilizer mixture arebilled separately, the label shall also include the following information:
1. The kind of liming material used in the manufacture of the product;
2. The type of agricultural liming material used in the manufacture of theproduct, if applicable;
3. The dry weight of the liming material used in the manufacture of theproduct before mixing;
4. The guaranteed analysis of the liming material used in the manufacture ofthe product before mixing; and
5. The guaranteed analysis of the fertilizer used in the manufacture of theproduct before mixing.
E. For any industrial co-product used to neutralize soil acid, the productlabel shall include the statement "Industrial co-product used to neutralizesoil acid." If the product is below the Virginia minimum standardrequirements for an agricultural liming material as defined in theregulations, the statement "Substandard liming material" shall also be onthe label.
F. All liming material shall be labeled as registered with the Commissioner.
G. No information or statement shall appear on any package, label, deliveryslip or advertising matter that is false or misleading to the purchaser as tothe quality, analysis, kind, type or composition of the liming material.
H. In the case of any liming material that has been adulterated subsequent topackaging, labeling or loading, and before delivery to the consumer, aplainly marked notice to that effect shall be affixed by the vendor to thepackage or delivery slip to identify the kind and degree of such adulteration.
I. The Board may require by regulation that the minimum percentage of calciumoxide, magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate, and magnesium carbonate shall beexpressed in the following form:
Total Calcium (Ca) ...... %
Total Magnesium (Mg) ...... %
(1974, c. 647, § 3.1-126.3; 1994, c. 649; 2008, c. 860.)