3.2-3501 - Commissioner to manage farmers market operations.
§ 3.2-3501. Commissioner to manage farmers market operations.
A. In order to establish, operate and maintain a system of state-ownedfarmers market facilities within the Commonwealth, the Commissioner may carryout the provisions of this chapter, including the power to:
1. Cooperate with various state agencies and other organizations contributingto the development of the farmers market system;
2. Develop and implement policy for the management of state-owned farmersmarket facilities, including:
a. Guidelines for fees to be charged at the markets;
b. Standards for evaluating market operations;
c. Criteria for the expansion of existing state-owned farmers marketfacilities and the establishment of new markets in the future;
d. Changes in management of markets; and
e. Guidelines for the award of contracts for market management.
3. Employ such personnel as necessary to operate the system of markets inaccordance with the Virginia Personnel Act (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.);
4. Receive and dispense funds;
5. Develop and manage a program budget for the farmers market system;
6. Provide marketing and promotional services for the farmers market system;
7. Develop detailed technical plans for, acquire or build, and manage thefarmers market system;
8. Conduct such studies as are necessary to ensure the success of the farmersmarket system;
9. Make contracts and agreements and execute other instruments necessary forthe operation of the farmers market system;
10. Enter into agreements with and accept grants from any governmental agencyin furtherance of this chapter;
11. Enter into joint ventures with cities, towns, counties or combinationsthereof in developing wholesale, shipping point, and retail farmers markets;and
12. Rent or purchase land and facilities as deemed necessary to establishmarkets or to enhance farmers market development.
B. If a market in the network is operated pursuant to a contract between theCommissioner and the market operator, such contract shall require that theoperator annually submit to the Commissioner a plan for, and a report on, theoperation of the market. The plan shall describe the operator's goals for thecoming year as to the acreage to be served by the market, the types of cropsto be sold at the market, and the number of brokers, buyers, and producers toutilize the market. The report shall describe the extent to which the goalsfor the previous year were met. The Commissioner shall submit an annualreport on or before February 1 summarizing the market operators' reports andplans to the Chairmen of the House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, andNatural Resources, the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation andNatural Resources, the House Committee on Appropriations, and the SenateCommittee on Finance.
C. The Commissioner shall report annually to the Board regarding the receiptand expenditure of funds as well as the policies, programs, and activities ofthe market operators in the state-owned farmers market facilities.
(1989, c. 413, § 3.1-73.5; 2000, c. 536; 2001, cc. 17, 398; 2005, c. 633;2008, c. 860.)