3.2-1501 - Cotton Board; composition and appointment of members; quorum.
§ 3.2-1501. Cotton Board; composition and appointment of members; quorum.
The Cotton Board, established by the passage of a referendum held pursuant toChapter 873 of the 1997 Acts of Assembly, is continued within the Department.The Cotton Board shall be composed of eight members appointed by theGovernor, each of whom shall be a resident of Virginia and a producer inVirginia. The Governor shall be guided in his appointments from nominationsmade by the following agricultural organizations: (i) the Virginia CottonGrowers Association, Inc.; (ii) the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation; and(iii) any other organization within the Commonwealth that is recognized bythe U.S. Department of Agriculture as a certified cotton grower organizationrepresenting Virginia producers pursuant to guidelines authorized by theCotton Research and Promotion Act (7 U.S.C. §§ 2101-2118). Each suchagricultural organization may nominate producers from each production area.The Governor shall appoint a producer residing in each such production area.If no producer resides in a particular production area, the Governor shallappoint a qualified producer from any other production area. Five members ofthe Cotton Board shall constitute a quorum.
(1997, c. 873, § 3.1-1093; 1999, c. 751; 2008, c. 860.)