Chapter 12 - Apple Board (3.2-1200 thru 3.2-1217)
- 3.2-1200 - Definitions.
- 3.2-1201 - Apple Board; composition and appointment of members.
- 3.2-1202 - Apple Board membership terms.
- 3.2-1203 - Apple Board officers and compensation.
- 3.2-1204 - Powers and duties of Apple Board; report.
- 3.2-1205 - Commercial apple-producing districts designated.
- 3.2-1206 - Apple Fund established.
- 3.2-1207 - Bond of employees.
- 3.2-1208 - Referendum on question of levying apple excise tax.
- 3.2-1209 - Management of referenda; Commissioner's duties; notice.
- 3.2-1210 - Questions to be printed on ballots.
- 3.2-1211 - Persons eligible to vote.
- 3.2-1212 - Referenda results; action of Governor.
- 3.2-1213 - Referenda.
- 3.2-1214 - Referenda results; action of Governor.
- 3.2-1215 - Disposition of excise tax by producer; reports.
- 3.2-1216 - Records to be kept by producer.
- 3.2-1217 - Falsification of records; misdemeanor.