29.1-530 - Open and closed season for trapping, bag limits, etc.
§ 29.1-530. Open and closed season for trapping, bag limits, etc.
A. There shall be a continuous open season for trapping nuisance species anda continuous closed trapping season on all other species of wild birds andwild animals, except as provided by Board regulations. However, a landowneror his agent may trap and dispose of, except by sale, squirrels creating anuisance on his property at any time in any area where the use of firearmsfor such purpose is prohibited by law or local ordinance.
B. In addition, the following general rules shall be applicable to any persontrapping in the Commonwealth:
1. The trapper shall be responsible for all damage done by an illegally settrap, and any person finding a trap set contrary to law may report it to thelandowner upon whose land the trap is located or to any conservation policeofficer who may destroy or otherwise make the trap inoperable.
2. A landowner may trap furbearing animals, except beaver, muskrat andraccoons, upon his own land during closed season.
3. Licensed trappers may shoot wild animals caught in traps on any day of theweek during the seasons prescribed in subsection A in order to dispatch suchanimal. No additional licenses are required other than a valid Virginiatrapping license.
4. It shall be lawful to trap wild animals within the daily bag and seasonlimits, if any, during the open season provided by Board regulations.
(Code 1950, § 29-146; 1958, c. 495; 1974, c. 302; 1982, c. 335; 1987, c. 488;2006, c. 20; 2007, c. 87.)