29.1-417 - Capturing, holding, propagating, and disposing of wildlife for authorized purposes.
§ 29.1-417. Capturing, holding, propagating, and disposing of wildlife forauthorized purposes.
The fee for a permit to capture, hold, propagate, and dispose of wildlife forpurposes authorized by the Board, shall be an amount sufficient to defray thecosts of processing the permit and administering the permitted activity.However, in no instance shall the fees established by the Board exceed thefollowing:
1. For endangered species, scientific collection and wildlife holder, $20 peryear; and
2. For all other such permits, $50 per year.
The permit shall also authorize the permittee to artificially raise trout orcatfish for sale from a privately owned facility where the permittee allowspublic fishing from its facilities. If this fee has been paid, no licenseshall be required to fish from such a facility.
(1980, c. 494, § 29-111.1; 1987, c. 488; 1988, c. 250; 1993, c. 623; 1995, c.610; 1997, c. 57.)