28.2-302.2:1 - Special combined individual sportfishing licenses
§ 28.2-302.2:1. Special combined individual sportfishing licenses.
A. Residents and nonresidents of the Commonwealth may obtain a specialcombined sportfishing license to fish in all inland waters and the tidalwaters of the Commonwealth during the open season. For residents, thislicense shall be in lieu of the state resident fishing license required bysubdivision A 2 of § 29.1-310, and the saltwater recreational licenserequired by § 28.2-302.1. The cost of this license for residents shall be$19.50. For nonresidents, this license shall be in lieu of the statenonresident fishing license required by subdivision A 3 of § 29.1-310 and thesaltwater recreational license required by § 28.2-302.1. The cost of thislicense for nonresidents shall be $37.50.
Agents of the Commission shall retain the agent's fee established by theBoard of Game and Inland Fisheries pursuant to subsection B of § 29.1-327,except that the agent's fee shall be deducted from the license feeestablished by the Commission pursuant to subdivision 4 of § 28.2-201, ascompensation for issuing each license. Of the funds collected under thissubsection, (i) $7 per license sold shall be paid into the state treasury tothe credit of the Virginia Saltwater Recreational Fishing Development Fund,as established in § 28.2-302.3 and (ii) $12 per resident license sold and $30per nonresident sold shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit ofthe Game Protection Fund, as established in § 29.1-101.
B. Residents and nonresidents of the Commonwealth may obtain a specialcombined sportfishing trip license to fish in all inland waters and tidalwaters of the Commonwealth during the open season. This license shall be inlieu of the trip fishing license specified in subsection A of § 29.1-311 andthe saltwater recreational license required by § 28.2-302.1. The cost of thelicense shall be $10.50 for residents and $15.50 for nonresidents. Thelicense shall be valid for five successive days as specified on the face ofthe license. Agents of the Commission shall retain the agent's feeestablished pursuant to subsection B of § 29.1-327, except that the agent'sfee shall be deducted from the license fee established by the Commissionpursuant to subdivision 4 of § 28.2-201, as compensation for issuing eachlicense. Of the funds collected under this subsection, (i) $5 per licensesold shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the VirginiaSaltwater Recreational Fishing Development Fund and (ii) $5 per residentlicense sold and $10 per nonresident license sold shall be paid into thestate treasury to the credit of the Game Protection Fund.
C. The Commission may subsequently revise the cost of licenses in thissection pursuant to § 28.2-201.
(2004, c. 486; 2007, c. 30; 2009, c. 9.)