Chapter 10 - Compacts and Joint Laws with Other States (28.2-1000 thru 28.2-1007)
- 28.2-1000 - Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact.
- 28.2-1000.1 - Authority of Governor to implement menhaden management measures.
- 28.2-1000.2 - (Expires January 1, 2014) Annual closure of the Chesapeake Bay purse seine fishery for Atlantic menhaden.
- 28.2-1001 - Potomac River Compact.
- 28.2-1002 - Cooperation of agencies of Commonwealth.
- 28.2-1003 - Authority to regulate dredging of soft shell clams.
- 28.2-1004 - Authority to authorize and regulate experimental oyster hatchery program.
- 28.2-1005 - Authority to regulate dredging of oysters.
- 28.2-1006 - Lawfully harvested finfish and shellfish; possession, storage, marketing and disposal.
- 28.2-1007 - (Contingent effective date - see Editor's note) Authority to regulate leasing.