24.2-703.2 - Replacement absentee ballots for certain disabled or ill voters; penalty.
§ 24.2-703.2. Replacement absentee ballots for certain disabled or illvoters; penalty.
A voter seeking to cast an absentee ballot may obtain a replacement absenteeballot subject to the following conditions: (i) the voter applied for anabsentee ballot under subdivision 4 of § 24.2-700 because of a disability orillness; (ii) the application was approved and an absentee ballot mailed tothe voter; and (iii) the voter did not receive or has lost the absenteeballot on or before the Saturday before the election. In such case, the votermay request a replacement absentee ballot by the close of business for thelocal elections office on the Saturday before election day and designate, inwriting, a representative to obtain a replacement absentee ballot on hisbehalf from the electoral board or general registrar and to return theproperly completed ballot as directed by the electoral board or generalregistrar no later than the close of polls on the day of election for whichthe absentee ballot is valid. The representative shall be age eighteen orolder and shall not be an elected official, a candidate for elected office,or the deputy, spouse, parent, or child of an elected official or candidate.The voter and representative shall complete the form prescribed by the StateBoard to implement the provisions of this section. The form shall include astatement signed by the voter that he did not receive the ballot or has lostthe ballot. Statements on the form shall be subject to felony penalties formaking false statements pursuant to § 24.2-1016.
(2002, cc. 23, 141; 2008, c. 880.)