24.2-685 - Special elections; request for abolition of constitutional offices.
§ 24.2-685. Special elections; request for abolition of constitutionaloffices.
A. The provisions of this section shall be applicable to the holding of anyreferendum, elsewhere authorized by law, on the abolition of anyconstitutional office conducted prior to a request for a special act of theGeneral Assembly to abolish such office.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of general law or any special act, noreferendum subject to the provisions of this section shall be held unless:
1. Petitions are filed with the circuit court of the county or cityrequesting that a referendum be held to authorize a request for a special acton the abolition of the named office;
2. The petitions are signed by qualified voters of the county or city equalin number to twenty percent of the total vote cast in the county or city forpresidential electors in the last preceding presidential election; and
3. The petitions are filed with the court within ninety days of the firstsignature on the petitions, and the petitions show the date each signaturewas affixed.
C. Upon filing of a valid petition, the court shall order the election andstate the question to be placed on the ballot in its order. The court shallorder the referendum to be held at the next general election for members ofthe governing body of the county or city held at least sixty days after thedate of the order.
D. After a referendum is conducted pursuant to this section with respect tothe abolition of a particular office, no other referendum with respect to theabolition of the same office shall be held in the same county or citypursuant to this section for a period of eight years.
E. No special act authorizing the abolition of any such office shall beconsidered by the General Assembly without court certification that areferendum has been conducted pursuant to this section and that a majority ofthe qualified voters voting thereon have approved the request for a specialact.
(1985, c. 586, § 24.1-165.1; 1993, c. 641.)