24.2-671 - Electoral board to meet and ascertain results; conclusiveness of results.
§ 24.2-671. Electoral board to meet and ascertain results; conclusiveness ofresults.
Each electoral board shall meet at the clerk's or general registrar's officeof the county or city for which they are appointed at or before 5:00 p.m. onthe day after any election. The board may adjourn to another room ofsufficient size in a public building to ascertain the results, and mayadjourn from day to day as needed, not to exceed seven calendar days from thedate of the election. Written directions to the location of any room otherthan the clerk's or general registrar's office where the board will meetshall be posted at the doors of the clerk's and general registrar's officesprior to the beginning of the meeting.
The board shall open the returns delivered by the officers.
If the electoral board has exercised the option provided by § 24.2-668 fordelivery of the election materials to the office of the general registrar onthe night of the election, the electoral board shall meet at the office ofthe general registrar at or before 5:00 p.m. on the day after any election.
The board shall ascertain from the returns the total votes in the county orcity, or town in a town election, for each candidate and for and against eachquestion and complete the abstract of votes cast at such election, asprovided for in § 24.2-675. For any office in which no person was elected bywrite-in votes, and for which the total number of write-in votes for thatoffice is less than (i) five percent of the total number of votes cast forthat office and (ii) the total number of votes cast for the candidatereceiving the most votes, the electoral board shall ascertain the total votesfor each write-in candidate for the office within one week following theelection. For offices for which the electoral board issues the certificate ofelection, the result so ascertained, signed and attested, shall be conclusiveand shall not thereafter be subject to challenge except as specificallyprovided in Chapter 8 (§ 24.2-800 et seq.) of this title.
Once the result is so ascertained, the secretary of the electoral board shalldeliver one copy of each statement of results to the general registrar to beavailable for inspection when his office is open for business. The secretaryshall then return all pollbooks, any printed inspection and return sheets,and one copy of each statement of results to the clerk.
Beginning with the general election in November 2007, a report of any changesmade by the local electoral board to the unofficial results ascertained bythe officers of election or any subsequent change to the official abstract ofvotes made by the local electoral board shall be forwarded to the State Boardof Elections and the explanation of such change shall be posted on the StateBoard website.
Each political party and each independent candidate on the ballot, or eachprimary candidate, shall be entitled to have representatives present when thelocal electoral board meets to ascertain the results of the election. Eachsuch party and candidate shall be entitled to have at least as manyrepresentatives present as there are teams of officials working to ascertainthe results, and the room in which the local electoral board meets shall beof sufficient size and configuration to allow the representatives reasonableaccess and proximity to view the ballots as the teams of officials work toascertain the results. The representatives and observers lawfully presentshall be prohibited from interfering with the officials in any way.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-271, 24-272; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-146; 1973, c. 30; 1981,c. 425; 1991, c. 388; 1992, c. 329; 1993, c. 641; 1996, cc. 8, 223; 2003, c.1015; 2005, c. 824; 2006, c. 689.)