24.2-620 - Dividing ballots into packages for each precinct; delivery of absentee ballots.

§ 24.2-620. Dividing ballots into packages for each precinct; delivery ofabsentee ballots.

The electoral board shall cause to be made, in the presence of at least onemember of the board, or an employee of the board or the general or anassistant registrar designated by the board, one or more packages of ballotsfor each precinct in the election district. Each package shall contain anumber of ballots determined by the board. Each of these packages shall besecurely sealed in the presence of a member of the board or such designatedperson so that the ballots shall be invisible, and so that the packagescannot be readily opened without detection. On each of the packages shall beendorsed the name of the precinct for which it is intended and the number ofballots therein contained. Thereafter the packages designated for eachprecinct shall be delivered to the secretary of the board and remain in hisexclusive possession until delivered by him, or by another board member,board employee, the general or an assistant registrar designated by theboard, to the officers of election of each precinct as provided in § 24.2-621.

The electoral board shall have sufficient ballots for those offering to voteabsentee delivered to the general registrar and secretary of the electoralboard by the deadline stated in § 24.2-612. Any such ballots remaining unusedat the close of the polls on election day shall be sent by the generalregistrar and the secretary of the electoral board to the clerk of thecircuit court of the county or city.

(Code 1950, §§ 24-226, 24-227; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-119; 1971, Ex. Sess., c.119; 1972, c. 620; 1982, c. 650; 1984, c. 480; 1993, c. 641; 1997, c. 460.)