24.2-613 - Form of ballot.
§ 24.2-613. Form of ballot.
The ballots shall comply with the requirements of this title and thestandards prescribed by the State Board.
For elections for federal, statewide, and General Assembly offices only, eachcandidate who has been nominated by a political party or in a primaryelection shall be identified by the name of his political party. Independentcandidates shall be identified by the term "Independent." For the purposeof this section, any Independent candidate may, by producing sufficient andappropriate evidence of nomination by a "recognized political party" to theState Board, have the term "Independent" on the ballot converted to that ofa "recognized political party" on the ballot and be treated on the ballotin a manner consistent with the candidates nominated by political parties.For the purpose of this section, a "recognized political party" is definedas an organization that, for at least six months preceding the filing of itsnominee for the office, has had in continual existence a state centralcommittee composed of registered voters residing in each congressionaldistrict of the Commonwealth, a party plan and bylaws, and a duly electedstate chairman and secretary. A letter from the state chairman of arecognized political party certifying that a candidate is the nominee of thatparty and also signed by such candidate accepting that nomination shallconstitute sufficient and appropriate evidence of nomination by a recognizedpolitical party. The name of the political party, the name of the"recognized political party," or term "Independent" may be shown by aninitial or abbreviation to meet ballot requirements.
Except as provided for primary elections, the State Board shall determine bylot the order of the political parties, and the names of all candidates for aparticular office shall appear together in the order determined for theirparties. In an election district in which more than one person is nominatedby one political party for the same office, the candidates' names shallappear alphabetically in their party groups under the name of the office,with sufficient space between party groups to indicate them as such. For thepurpose of this section and § 24.2-640, except as provided for presidentialelections in § 24.2-614, "recognized political parties" shall be treated asa class; the order of the recognized political parties within the class shallbe determined by lot by the State Board; and the class shall follow thepolitical parties as defined by § 24.2-101 and precede the independent class.Independent candidates shall be treated as a class under "Independent";their names shall be placed on the ballot after the political parties andrecognized political parties; and where there is more than one independentcandidate for an office, their names shall appear alphabetically.
No individual's name shall appear on the ballot more than once for the sameoffice.
In preparing the ballots for general, special and primary elections, theState Board and electoral boards shall cause to be printed in not less than10-point type, immediately below the title of any office, a statement of thenumber of candidates who may be voted for for that office. The followinglanguage shall be used: "Vote for not more than .......................".
At any precinct at which mark sense ballots are used, the mark sense ballotmay be used in lieu of the official paper ballot with the approval of theState Board.
Any locality which uses mark sense ballots at one or more precincts,including any central absentee precinct, may, with the approval of the StateBoard, use the mark sense ballot or printed reproductions of the mark senseballot in lieu of the official paper ballot. Such reproductions shall beprinted and otherwise handled in accordance with all laws and procedures thatapply to official paper ballots.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-215, 24-217; 1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-111, 24.1-113; 1971, Ex.Sess., c. 119; 1972, c. 620; 1973, c. 30; 1974, c. 428; 1980, c. 639; 1981,c. 425; 1993, c. 641; 2000, cc. 282, 514, 866; 2002, c. 738; 2008, c. 544;2010, c. 204.)