24.2-516 - Party to furnish names of chairmen and notify State Board of adoption of direct primary.
§ 24.2-516. Party to furnish names of chairmen and notify State Board ofadoption of direct primary.
Each political party within the Commonwealth shall furnish to the State Boardthe names and addresses of its state, county, and city party chairmen inJanuary of each year, and during the remainder of the year it shall notifythe Board of any changes in such names and addresses.
At least 135 days prior to the regular date for a primary, the Board shallinquire of each state chairman and each county and city chairman whether adirect primary has been adopted. The Board shall advise each chairman thatnotification to the Board of the adoption of a direct primary is required andmust be filed with the Board not more than 125 days and not less than 105days before the date set for the primaries.
Each chairman shall file timely written notice with the Board whether or nota primary has been adopted and identify each office for which a primary hasbeen adopted. The requirement to notify the Board of the adoption of a directprimary shall be satisfied when the Board receives by the deadline (i)written notice from the appropriate party chairman or (ii) a copy of thewritten notice from an incumbent officeholder to his party chairman of theincumbent's selection, pursuant to § 24.2-509, of the primary as the methodof nomination.
(Code 1950, § 24-351; 1962, c. 536; 1964, c. 545; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-176;1972, c. 620; 1981, c. 425; 1990, c. 199; 1993, c. 641; 2010, cc. 449, 645.)