24.2-115.1 - Officers of election; hours of service.
§ 24.2-115.1. Officers of election; hours of service.
The electoral board may provide that the officers of election for one or moreprecincts may be assigned to work all or a portion of the time that theprecinct is open on election day. Any officer of election assisting with theclosing of the precinct and reporting the results of the votes at theprecinct shall be required to report to the precinct at least one hour priorto the closing of the precinct. However, the chief officer and the assistantchief officer, appointed pursuant to § 24.2-115 to represent the twopolitical parties, shall be on duty at all times. The electoral board mayprovide for the administration of the oath of office provided for in §24.2-120 and the oath required in § 24.2-611 to be kept with the pollbook attimes convenient for officers of election assigned to work only a portion ofthe time that the precinct is open on election day.
(1998, cc. 549, 572; 2001, c. 623; 2009, cc. 396, 865, 870, 874.)