24.2-110 - Appointment, qualifications, and term of general registrar; vacancies; certain prohibitions.
§ 24.2-110. Appointment, qualifications, and term of general registrar;vacancies; certain prohibitions.
Each electoral board shall meet in the month of May or June in 2007, andevery four years thereafter, and shall appoint a general registrar, who shallbe a qualified voter of the county or city for which he is appointed.However, in the case of a city that is wholly contained within one county,the city electoral board may appoint a qualified voter of that county toserve as city general registrar. General registrars shall serve four-yearterms beginning July 1, 2007, and each fourth year thereafter, and continuein office until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
The electoral board shall fill any vacancy in the office of general registrarfor the unexpired term. The electoral board shall declare vacant and fill theoffice of the general registrar if the appointee fails to qualify and delivera copy of his oath to the secretary of the electoral board within 30 daysafter he has been notified of his appointment.
No general registrar shall hold any other office, by election or appointment,while serving as general registrar; however, with the consent of theelectoral board, he may undertake other duties which do not conflict with hisduties as general registrar. General registrars shall not serve as officersof election. The election or appointment of a general registrar to any otheroffice shall vacate the office of the general registrar.
No general registrar shall be eligible to offer for or hold an office to befilled by election in whole or in part by the qualified voters of hisjurisdiction at any election held during the time he serves as generalregistrar or for the six months thereafter.
The electoral board shall not appoint to the office of general registrar anyperson who is the spouse of an electoral board member or any person, or thespouse of any person, who is the parent, grandparent, sibling, child, orgrandchild of an electoral board member.
No general registrar shall serve as the chairman of a political party orother officer of a state, local or district level political party committee.No general registrar shall serve as a paid or volunteer worker in thecampaign of a candidate for nomination or election to an office filled byelection in whole or in part by the qualified voters of his jurisdiction. Therestrictions of this paragraph shall apply to paid assistant registrars butshall not apply to unpaid assistant registrars.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-30, 24-35, 24-36, 24-52, 24-52.1, 24-53, 24-55, 24-61,24-65, 24-66, 24-118.1, 24-199; 1954, c. 691; 1958, c. 576; 1962, c. 475;1964, c. 608; 1968, cc. 97, 141; 1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-32, 24.1-34, 24.1-43,24.1-44; 1973, c. 30; 1974, c. 428; 1975, c. 515; 1976, c. 12; 1978, c. 778;1980, c. 639; 1981, c. 425; 1982, cc. 290, 650; 1983, c. 511; 1984, c. 480;1985, c. 197; 1986, c. 558, § 24.1-33.2; 1988, c. 528; 1989, c. 227; 1993, c.641; 1995, cc. 835, 848; 1996, c. 308; 2004, cc. 27, 391; 2009, c. 403.)