23-74 - Meetings of board of visitors; quorum; rector and vice-rector; secretary.

§ 23-74. Meetings of board of visitors; quorum; rector and vice-rector;secretary.

The board of visitors shall meet at the University once a year, and at suchother times as they shall determine, the days of meeting to be fixed by them.Five members shall constitute a quorum.

The board of visitors shall appoint, from among its members, a rector topreside at their meetings and a vice-rector to preside at their meetings inthe absence of the rector. The rector and the vice-rector shall also performsuch additional duties as the board may prescribe. The terms of the rectorand vice-rector shall be for two years, commencing on July 1 of the year ofappointment and expiring on June 30 of the year of the expiration of theirterms.

The board shall also appoint a secretary for such term and with such dutiesas the board shall prescribe.

The board may also appoint a substitute pro tempore, as provided in itsbylaws, to preside in the absence of the rector or the vice-rector.

Vacancies in the office of rector, vice-rector or secretary may be filled bythe board for the unexpired term, as provided in the Board's bylaws.

Special meetings of the board may be called by the rector or any threemembers. In either of such cases, notice of the time of meeting shall begiven by the secretary to every member.

(Code 1919, § 809; 2003, c. 655.)