23-70 - Appointment of visitors generally; number and terms of office.

§ 23-70. Appointment of visitors generally; number and terms of office.

A. The board of visitors is to consist of sixteen visitors appointed by theGovernor, of whom at least thirteen shall be appointed from the Commonwealthat large and not more than three shall be appointed from the nonresidentalumni of the University of Virginia.

B. All appointments on or after July 1, 2008, shall be for terms of fouryears and commence July 1 of the first year of appointment, except thatappointments to fill vacancies shall be made for the unexpired terms. Membersshall complete their service on June 30 of the year in which their respectiveterms expire, including appointments made prior to July 1, 2008. Allappointments for full terms, as well as to fill vacancies, shall be made bythe Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate and the House of Delegates.

(Code 1919, § 807; 1924, p. 145; 1930, p. 80; 1944, p. 399; 1945, p. 52;1954, c. 343; 1980, c. 559; 1989, Sp. Sess., c. 5; 2008, cc. 55, 155.)