23-91.34 - Board of visitors a corporation and under control of General Assembly.
§ 23-91.34. Board of visitors a corporation and under control of GeneralAssembly.
There is hereby established a corporate body composed of the board ofvisitors of the University of Mary Washington under the style "The Rectorand Visitors of the University of Mary Washington" hereinafter referred toin this chapter as the board, which shall have, in addition to its otherpowers, all the corporate powers given to corporations by the provisions ofTitle 13.1, except in those cases where by the express terms of theprovisions thereof, it is confined to corporations created under such title,and the board shall also have the power to accept, execute and administer anytrust in which it may have an interest under the terms of the instrumentcreating the trust. Such corporation shall be subject at all times to thecontrol of the General Assembly. The institution shall be known as theUniversity of Mary Washington.
(1972, c. 861; 2004, cc. 176, 195.)