23-50.16:3 - Authority created; purposes

§ 23-50.16:3. Authority created; purposes.

A. There is hereby created as a public body corporate and as a politicalsubdivision of the Commonwealth, the Virginia Commonwealth University HealthSystem Authority, referred to in this chapter as the Authority, with suchpublic and corporate powers as are set forth in this chapter. The Authorityis hereby constituted a public instrumentality, exercising public andessential governmental functions with the power and purpose to provide forthe health, welfare, convenience, knowledge, benefit and prosperity of theresidents of the Commonwealth and such other persons who might be served bythe Authority by delivering and supporting the delivery of medical care andrelated services to such residents and persons, by providing educationalopportunities in the medical field and related disciplines, by conducting andfacilitating research in the medical field and related disciplines, and byenhancing the delivery of health care and related services to theCommonwealth's indigent population.

B. The Authority is authorized to provide, promote, support and sponsoreducation, public knowledge and scientific research in medicine, publichealth and related fields; to administer programs to assist in the deliveryof medical and related services to the citizens of the Commonwealth andothers; and to participate in and administer federal, state and localprograms affecting, supporting or carrying out any of its purposes. TheAuthority is further authorized to exercise independently the powersconferred by this chapter in furtherance of its corporate and publicpurposes, and the Authority is directed to undertake the operation ofteaching hospitals and related facilities and to maintain and, asappropriate, to expand the same, all for the benefit of the Commonwealth, itscitizens and such other persons who might be served by the Authority.

(1996, cc. 905, 1046; 2000, c. 720.)