23-50.16:22 - Licenses and permits

§ 23-50.16:22. Licenses and permits.

The transfer of the hospital facilities from the University to the Authorityshall not require a certificate of public need pursuant to Article 1.1 (§32.1-102.1 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 32.1. All licenses, permits,certificates of public need or other authorizations of the Commonwealth orany agency thereof or of any county, city or town held by the University inconnection with the ownership or operation of the hospital facilities shallbe deemed to be transferred, without further action, to the Authority as andto the extent the Authority undertakes the activity thereby permitted. Allagencies and officers of the Commonwealth and all agencies and officers ofcounties, cities and towns are directed to confirm such transfer by theissuance of new or amended licenses, permits, certificates of public need orother authorizations upon the request of the University and the Authority.

(1996, cc. 905, 1046.)