23-41 - Appointment of visitors generally; number and terms; vacancies.

§ 23-41. Appointment of visitors generally; number and terms; vacancies.

The board of visitors is to consist of 17 members to be appointed by theGovernor, four of whom may be nonresidents of Virginia.

All appointments shall be for terms of four years each, except appointmentsto fill unexpired vacancies which shall be made by the Governor for theremainder of the unexpired terms. However, the term of the member holding theoffice of Rector on March 1, 2005, shall be extended for one year to June 30,2006. The Governor may make an appointment for the member whose term is soextended to June 30, 2006, as though this service extension had not beengranted and the term had expired as scheduled.

The board of visitors may be expanded to no more than 18 members from July 1,2005, to June 30, 2006. Thereafter, the membership shall revert to 17members. Reappointment by the Governor of any member eligible for the serviceextension shall be for the term of four years.

No person shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive four-yearterms, except that a member may be appointed to a term of less than fouryears immediately prior to or between the four-year terms. For the purpose ofdetermining service eligibility, any term of service extended to June 30 ofthe respective year pursuant to this section shall be treated as a four-yearterm. Hereafter, all appointments shall expire June 30 of the year in whichthe term expires.

All appointments are subject to confirmation by the General Assembly if insession when such appointments are made, and if not in session, at its nextsucceeding session.

(Code 1919, § 935; 1938, p. 443; 1944, p. 401; 1945, p. 51; 1960, c. 180;1962, c. 69; 1966, c. 14; 1974, c. 29; 1975, c. 484; 1992, c. 53; 2004, c.695; 2005, c. 12.)