23-38.18 - Determination of bona fide residence.
§ 23-38.18. Determination of bona fide residence.
For the purposes of determining the eligibility of a student for a tuitionassistance grant, domicile shall be determined by the enrolling institution,as provided in § 23-7.4, and the State Council of Higher Education'sguidelines for domiciliary status determinations. In addition, in order toensure consistency and fairness, the State Council of Higher Education shallrequire all participating institutions to file student specific data, shallmonitor the domiciliary status decisions of these institutions, and shallmake final decisions on any disputes between the institutions and the grantrecipients. The Council shall report to the Governor and the GeneralAssembly, as the Council deems necessary, on issues related to domiciliarystatus determinations for students receiving tuition assistance grants.
(1972, c. 18; 1973, c. 2; 1985, c. 359; 1995, c. 663.)