23-298 - Powers of Board of Trustees; donation.
§ 23-298. Powers of Board of Trustees; donation.
A. The Board of Trustees shall:
1. Establish, operate, and maintain the Frontier Culture Museum of Virginiato commemorate the contributions which the pioneers and colonial frontiersmenand frontierswomen made to the creation of this nation;
2. Employ an executive director and such assistants as may be required andconfer such duties and responsibilities as determined necessary;
3. Adopt a flag, seal, and other emblems for use in connection with theMuseum;
4. Establish a nonprofit corporation to develop and maintain public awarenessof the Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia;
5. Receive and expend gifts, grants, and donations of any kind from whateversources determined, including donations accepted by the American FrontierCulture Foundation on behalf of the Museum;
6. Adopt regulations and set fees concerning the use and visitation ofproperties under its control;
7. Acquire, with the consent of the Governor, lands, property and structuresdeemed necessary to the purpose of the Museum by purchase, lease, gift,devise or condemnation proceedings. The title to land and property acquiredshall be in the name of the Commonwealth. In the exercise of the power ofeminent domain granted under this section, the Museum may proceed in themanner provided by Chapter 3 (§ 25.1-300 et seq.) of Title 25.1;
8. Convey by lease land and structures to any person, association, firm orcorporation, with the consent of the Governor, for such terms and on suchconditions as the Museum may determine;
9. Enter into contracts to further the purpose of the Museum, which have beenapproved by the Attorney General; and
10. Elect any past member of the Board of Trustees to the honorary positionof trustee emeritus. Trustees emeriti shall serve as honorary members forlife, shall not have voting privileges and shall be elected in addition tothose positions set forth in § 23-297.
B. In addition to the powers granted by subsection A, the Board may, fromtime to time, evaluate the significance or suitability of the furnishings,household items, and other objects heretofore and hereinafter acquired bypurchase, gift or donations with or for the Museum, for the purpose ofaccurately presenting the tastes and lifestyles of the people living duringthe era the Museum depicts and within the limitations of the furnishings,household items, and other objects that would have been available to andwithin the means of such persons. The Board may dispose of those furnishings,household items, and other objects determined by the Board to be of little orno significance or suitability for achieving the purposes or mission of theMuseum by exchange or sale, so long as such disposition is not inconsistentwith the terms of the acquisition of the relevant property. At the discretionof the Board, sales of these items may be conducted by auction housesrecognized for their expertise in the sale of such property.
C. Any furnishings, household goods, and other objects previously acquired bydonation or purchase and the net proceeds of any sale of these items asprovided in subsection B shall constitute a discrete fund of the FrontierCulture Museum of Virginia and shall be used solely for the acquisition ofperiod furnishings, household goods, and other objects consistent with thepurpose and mission of the Museum.
Donations to the Museum of any funds, securities, and any other property,real or personal, for use in accordance with its purpose and mission, shallconstitute endowments or unrestricted gifts within the meaning of § 23-9.2.The Board may change the form of investment of any such funds, securities, orother property, real or personal, if the change in such form is notinconsistent with the terms of the instrument under which such property wasacquired, and may sell, grant, or convey any such property; however, anytransfers of real property may be made only with the consent of the Governor.
(2000, c. 541; 2002, c. 129; 2003, c. 940; 2008, c. 242.)