23-278 - Commonwealth Health Research Board created.

§ 23-278. Commonwealth Health Research Board created.

A. There is hereby created, as an independent body, the Commonwealth HealthResearch Board. The purpose of the Board shall be to provide financialsupport, in the form of grants, donations, or other assistance, for researchefforts that have the potential of maximizing human health benefits for thecitizens of the Commonwealth. Research efforts eligible for support by theBoard shall include traditional medical and biomedical research relating tothe causes and cures of diseases as well as research related to healthservices and the delivery of health care.

B. The Board shall be composed of seven members. The Governor shall appointthree members of the Board who shall be confirmed by the affirmative vote ofa majority of those voting in each house of the General Assembly. The JointRules Committee shall appoint the other four members of the Board who shallbe confirmed by the affirmative vote of a majority of those voting in eachhouse of the General Assembly. The initial members shall be appointed forterms of office as follows: one of the members appointed by the Governorshall be appointed for a term of one year; one of the members appointed bythe Joint Rules Committee shall be appointed for a term of two years; one ofthe members appointed by the Governor and one of the members appointed by theJoint Rules Committee shall be appointed for terms of three years; one of themembers appointed by the Joint Rules Committee shall be appointed for a termof four years; and one of the members appointed by the Governor and one ofthe members appointed by the Joint Rules Committee shall be appointed forterms of five years. Appointments thereafter shall be for terms of fiveyears. Vacancies in the membership of the Board shall be filled byappointment of the entity initially making the appointment for the unexpiredportion of the term. No member shall be eligible to serve for more than twosuccessive five-year terms; however, after the expiration of a term of fouryears or less or after the expiration of the remainder of a term to which hewas appointed to fill a vacancy, two additional terms may be served by suchmember if appointed thereto. Immediately after such appointment, the membersshall enter upon the performance of their duties.

C. The members shall have substantial experience or expertise, personal orprofessional, in at least one of the following areas: medicine, medical orscientific research, public policy, government, business, or education. Nomember shall be an incumbent elected official, state official or employee, ormember of the governing board of a state agency or institution. Members ofthe Board need not be residents of the Commonwealth.

D. The members shall elect annually a chairman and vice-chairman from amongits members. The chairman, or in his absence, the vice-chairman, shallpreside at all meetings of the Board. A majority of the members of the Boardserving at any one time shall constitute a quorum for the transaction ofbusiness. The Board shall meet annually or more frequently at the call of thechairman.

E. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 2.2-2813, members of the Board shallreceive compensation for their services at the rate provided in Item 1 ofChapter 924 of the 1997 Acts of Assembly used to compensate General Assemblymembers for the time actually spent in the discharge of their duties andshall receive reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the performanceof their duties on behalf of the Board. Such compensation and expenses shallbe paid from the Fund.

(1997, cc. 803, 888, 891; 2000, cc. 675, 700.)