23-253.7 - Expenditures for current expenses; annual report.

§ 23-253.7. Expenditures for current expenses; annual report.

All money received by the Museum for current expenses in conducting theMuseum shall be paid into the treasury of Virginia, where it shall be setaside as a special fund for the operation of the Museum, for which purposesuch money is hereby appropriated, to be paid by the State Treasurer onwarrants of the Comptroller issued upon vouchers signed by the president ofthe Museum or his duly authorized agent. The Museum shall be deemed to be aninstitution of higher education within the meaning of §§ 23-3.1 and 23-9.2.

The Board of Trustees shall submit an annual report to the Governor andGeneral Assembly on or before November 1 of each year, such report tocontain, at a minimum, the annual financial statements of the Museum for theyear ending the preceding June 30.

(1997, c. 367; 2004, c. 650.)