23-253.4 - Authority of trustees generally.

§ 23-253.4. Authority of trustees generally.

Such trustees are vested with full authority to: (i) manage, control,maintain and operate the Museum, including the contents, furnishings, groundsfunds, property and endowments thereof; (ii) charge for admission to theMuseum if deemed proper; (iii) employ such persons as may be necessary tomanage, control, maintain and operate the same; (iv) suspend or remove atpleasure any person so employed; (v) determine what paintings, statuary andworks of art may be kept, housed or exhibited in the Museum; (vi) acquire bypurchase, gift, loan or otherwise paintings, statuary and works of art and toexchange or sell the same if not inconsistent with the terms of the purchase,gift, loan or other acquisition thereof; (vii) enter into agreements withorganizations interested in art; (viii) adopt a seal; (ix) stimulate andassist in the formation of new organizations; (x) do such other things asthey deem proper to promote education in the realm of art throughout theCommonwealth through the Museum, which is hereby constituted and declared aneducational institution, an institution of learning, and a public body andinstrumentality for the dissemination of education; and (xi) receive andadminister on behalf of the Commonwealth gifts, bequests and devises of realand personal property for the endowment of the Museum or for any specialpurpose designated by the donor.

The trustees are hereby authorized to change the form of investment of anyfunds, securities or other property, real or personal, provided the same arenot inconsistent with the terms of the instrument under which the same wasacquired. The trustees may sell, grant and convey any such property, but, inthe case of real property, only by and with the written consent of theGovernor. The trustees may from time to time confer the honorary degree ofpatron of arts on any person who has, in their opinion, made an outstandingcontribution in the realm of art, but not more than two such degrees shall beconferred in any calendar year.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the assessment andlevying of a service charge pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 34 (§58.1-3400 et seq.) of Title 58.1.

The exercise by the Museum of the powers conferred by this chapter shall bedeemed and held to be the performance of an essential governmental function.

(1997, c. 367.)