23-234.1 - Extending police power of public institutions of higher education beyond boundaries thereof; jurisdiction of courts.

§ 23-234.1. Extending police power of public institutions of higher educationbeyond boundaries thereof; jurisdiction of courts.

A. The governing board of any public institution of higher education thatleases, rents, or owns satellite campuses, public buildings, and otherproperty located beyond the limits of such institution shall have and mayexercise full police power over these properties and over persons using thesame. The governing board may prescribe rules and regulations for theoperation and use of these properties and for the conduct of all personsusing them and may provide appropriate administrative penalties for theviolation of these rules and regulations.

B. The district court for the county, city, or town where violations of lawor approved regulations of the institution occurs shall have jurisdiction ofall cases arising within the county, city, or town.

It shall be the duty of the attorney for the Commonwealth for the county,city, or town where the offense occurs to prosecute all violators of the lawspertaining to the provisions enumerated in this chapter.

(1991, c. 711.)