23-234 - Powers and duties; jurisdiction.
§ 23-234. Powers and duties; jurisdiction.
A campus police officer appointed as provided in § 23-233 or appointed andactivated pursuant to § 23-233.1 may exercise the powers and duties conferredby law upon police officers of cities, towns, or counties, and shall be sodeemed, including but not limited to the provisions of Chapters 5 (§ 19.2-52et seq.), 7 (§ 19.2-71 et seq.), and 23 (§ 19.2-387 et seq.) of Title 19.2,(i) upon any property owned or controlled by the relevant public or privateinstitution of higher education, or, upon request, any property owned orcontrolled by another public or private institution of higher education andupon the streets, sidewalks, and highways, immediately adjacent thereto, (ii)pursuant to a mutual aid agreement provided for in § 15.2-1727 between thegoverning board of a public or private institution and such other institutionof higher education, public or private, in the Commonwealth or adjacentpolitical subdivisions, (iii) in close pursuit of a person as provided in §19.2-77, and (iv) upon approval by the appropriate circuit court of apetition by the local governing body for concurrent jurisdiction indesignated areas with the police officers of the county, city, or town inwhich the institution, its satellite campuses, or other properties arelocated. The local governing body may petition the circuit court pursuantonly to a request by the local law-enforcement agency for concurrentjurisdiction.
(1977, c. 79; 1985, c. 386; 1991, c. 711; 1992, c. 187; 2002, c. 97.)