23-232.1 - Authorization for campus police departments in private institutions of higher education.
§ 23-232.1. Authorization for campus police departments in privateinstitutions of higher education.
The governing board of each private institution of higher education isauthorized to establish, in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, acampus police department and to employ campus police officers uponappointment as provided in § 23-233. Except as such provisions applyexclusively to public institutions or employees, the provisions of thischapter shall apply to the appointment and employment of officers, operation,powers, duties and jurisdiction of private campus police departments, andsuch departments shall be subject to and enjoy the benefits of this chapter.However, to be qualified to use the word "police" to describe thedepartment or its officers, any private college or university whichestablishes a campus police department shall require that each officer complywith the training or other requirements for law-enforcement officersestablished by the Department of Criminal Justice Services pursuant toChapter 1 (§ 9.1-100 et seq.) of Title 9.1.
(1992, c. 187.)