23-220.01 - Apprenticeship program for employees of ship manufacturing and ship repair companies; fund.

§ 23-220.01. Apprenticeship program for employees of ship manufacturing andship repair companies; fund.

A. For purposes of this section:

"Apprenticeship program" means a three-year program combining educationalinstruction and on-the-job training that is established for the purpose ofenhancing the education and skills of shipyard workers.

"College" means the Tidewater Community College.

"Industrial applied sciences" may include applied sciences such as welding,burning, blasting, and other applied sciences.

"Shipyard worker" means any employee employed full time on a salaried orwage basis, whose tenure is not restricted as to temporary or provisionalappointment, at a ship manufacturing or ship repair company located in theCommonwealth.

B. Subject to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia's authorityto approve or disapprove all new academic programs as provided in subdivision5 of § 23-9.6:1, the college may offer a three-year program of educationalinstruction that incorporates instruction in industrial applied sciences. AnAssociate in Applied Science Degree shall be conferred on any personsuccessfully completing such academic program. The college may coordinatesuch academic program with an apprenticeship program offered to shipyardworkers by their employers.

C. Beginning in the calendar year that the Council approves such academicprogram and for calendar years thereafter, shipyard workers who are (i)domiciled residents of Virginia as described in § 23-7.4 and (ii) enrolled asfull- or part-time students in such academic program, shall be eligible forscholarships for such program. Renewal of the scholarships of such shipyardworkers shall be contingent upon maintaining (a) enrollment in such academicprogram, (b) a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a scale of4.0 or its equivalent at the completion of each academic year, and (c)full-time employment as a shipyard worker.

D. Before any scholarship is awarded in accordance with the provisions ofthis section, the scholarship recipient shall sign a promissory note underwhich he agrees (i) to continue full-time employment as a shipyard workeruntil his graduation and (ii) upon graduation, to work continuously as ashipyard worker for the same number of years that he was the beneficiary ofsuch scholarship. The State Council may recover the total amount of fundsawarded as a scholarship, or the appropriate portion thereof, including anyaccrued interest, if the scholarship recipient fails to honor suchrequirements.

E. There is hereby created the Virginia Vocational Incentive ScholarshipProgram for Shipyard Workers to provide scholarships to shipyard workersenrolled at the college in such academic program.

F. From such funds as are appropriated for this purpose and from such gifts,donations, grants, bequests, and other funds as may be received on itsbehalf, there is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonrevertingfund to be known as the Virginia Vocational Incentive Scholarship Program forShipyard Workers Fund, hereafter referred to as "the Fund." The Fund shallbe established on the books of the Comptroller. Interest earned on moneys inthe Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remainingin the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shallnot revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Funds may bepaid to the college on behalf of shipyard workers who have been awardedscholarships pursuant to subsection C. Funds may also be used for theadministration and implementation of such academic program and/or theapprenticeship program.

Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the StateTreasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request signedby the Director of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

G. The Council shall promulgate regulations for the implementation of theprovisions of this section and shall award scholarships to eligible studentsfor no more than three academic years. Scholarship amounts shall not exceedfull tuition and required fees relating to such academic program.

(2001, c. 656.)