23-216 - Number, terms and eligibility of members of Board.

§ 23-216. Number, terms and eligibility of members of Board.

(a) The State Board shall consist of fifteen members appointed by theGovernor subject to confirmation by the General Assembly if in session, andif not, at its next succeeding session. The first appointments shall be fourmembers for one year, four members for two years, four members for threeyears and three members for four years, and thereafter all such appointmentsshall be made for terms of four years each, except that appointments to fillvacancies shall be for the unexpired terms. No person shall be eligible toserve more than two consecutive four-year terms, except that a member may beappointed to a term of less than four years immediately prior to or betweenthe four-year terms. No person shall be eligible for reappointment followingtwo consecutive four-year terms for two years thereafter. Members shallcontinue to discharge their duties after their terms have expired until theirsuccessors have been appointed and have qualified.

(b) The State Board shall be composed of persons selected from theCommonwealth at large. No officer, employee, or member of the governing boardof any public institution of higher education, or of any school subject tothe control of the State Board, or any member of the General Assembly, or anymember of the State Board of Education, shall be eligible for appointment tothe Board. All members of the Board shall be deemed members at large chargedwith the responsibility of serving the best interests of the wholeCommonwealth. No member shall act as the representative of any particularregion or of any particular institution of higher education.

(1966, c. 679; 1972, c. 136; 1983, c. 148.)