23-215 - Responsibilities of Board and System.

§ 23-215. Responsibilities of Board and System.

A. The State Board for Community Colleges heretofore established by law iscontinued. The Board shall be a corporation under the style of "the StateBoard for Community Colleges." The State Board shall be responsible, throughthe exercise of the powers and performance of the duties set forth in thischapter, for the establishment, control, and administration of a statewidesystem of publicly supported comprehensive community colleges which shall beknown as the Virginia Community College System.

B. The Virginia Community College System shall be the state agency withprimary responsibility for coordinating workforce training at thepostsecondary to the associate degree level, exclusive of the career andtechnical education programs provided through and administered by the publicschool system. This responsibility shall not preclude other agencies fromalso providing such services as appropriate, but these activities shall becoordinated with the community colleges.

C. In addition to other responsibilities of the Virginia Community CollegeSystem, the community colleges shall (i) maximize noncredit course offeringsmade available to business and industry at a time and place that meet currentand projected workforce needs and minimize the cost of noncredit offerings tobusiness and industry to the extent feasible, (ii) deal directly withemployers in designing and offering courses to meet real, current, andprojected workforce training needs, and (iii) maximize the availability anduse of distance learning courses addressing workforce training needs. TheVirginia Community College System shall report on actions taken to meet therequirements of this subsection in its annual report to the General Assemblyon workforce development activities required by the appropriation act.

(1966, c. 679; 1977, c. 413; 1998, cc. 111, 396; 2001, c. 483; 2002, cc. 586,625; 2004, c. 146.)